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Tuesday, October 6

Camera Reborn

So while playing around with the pictures of chops, I decided that I couldn't break my camera anymore than it already was.. I toggled with a few things and it looks like it's come back to life! In all honesty I had hoped it was dead because I really want a new one hehe.

These LEFTZ were a custom order which I previously tried to post pictures of. These I hope are much better ;) So in short they have been sold but if you like them, feel free to send me a note.

Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow... (omg its 4:30am why am I not asleep?!) anyway.. maybe WHEN I wake up the camera fairy will have pity on me and leave something new and with lots of lenses ;)

p.s. If you don't know Dale the Penguin's story read it here

Just because I post pictures of my work on my blog, doesn't mean they are free range for the picking. :) All images and designs are property of ArtTales. If you would like to feature me on your blog or website, just send me a note when it's up! LEFTZ are collector items and are not toys. They are perfect for your bookcase, studio, or desk. Please keep out of reach of children.


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